Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Drive Safely in Phuket - A Guide

Driving Safety - If you drive in Thailand, try to bear in mind the following:
  • Drive slowly. Most accidents happen to drivers travelling in excess of 65 kph on the highway and 30 kph in built up areas; conditions in Phuket rarely warrant going faster. At low speeds, a driver can cope with sudden changes in the traffic situation. Remember, the faster you go, the harder you crash, and the more serious your injuries. Most insurance policies do not cover injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents.
  • As a matter of practical etiquette, larger vehicles have right-of-way. This means that, if a dump truck pulls into your lane travelling in the opposite direction because he wants to pass slower traffic, you should pull to the left. Also, at intersections with traffic circles, vehicles in the intersection have right-of-way; you must stop and let them enter your lane.
  • Use your rear-view mirrors frequently to monitor the situation behind, and pull to the left for faster vehicles trying to overtake you. Look over your shoulder when changing lanes.
  • Motorcyclists should use the left-shoulder motorcycle lane where available, and always wear crash helmets. Watch out for dogs and other animals--if you hit one on a motorcycle, chances are you'll be hurt more than the dog!
  • It rains here often, making roads slippery. This is especially dangerous for motorcyclists slowing to a stop at intersections. Beware of potholes hiding beneath puddles of water after heavy rains.
  • Drive defensively. Put no faith in stop signs, traffic lights, or the rules of the road; honour them yourself, but don't be surprised when others don't. Fasten your seatbelts where provided.
  • Don't allow yourself to become agitated by rude drivers, it's pointless and it only aggravates an already chaotic situation on the roads.

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